Ledger live wallet setup and the login guide for traders

Ledger® Live* Wallet, the flagship software from Ledger, stands out as more than just a wallet—it's a comprehensive platform for managing your digital assets. This guide takes you through

To make effortless trades in the crypto industry, you need a place where you can keep your funds safe without any care. This is not possible if you stay on the software wallets, because there is a continuous threat over them. One can never have a moment of peace with it, because there is always chaos due to the daily cases being reported by the traders of the security breach.

Here come the hardware wallets to save the day, this wallet protects your funds from any kind of phishing attacks. The devices are prone to all kinds of attacks that you might have to face if you are a user of the crypto industry. There are plenty of hardware wallets to select from, but if you take our advice then use the Ledger live wallet.

How to create a Ledger Wallet account?

This section will exactly tell you about the steps to follow to create your Ledger Wallet account. So, if you want to learn the steps for it, then take a look at the explanation below:

1. Take your Ledger wallet from the box and the given USB Cable as well.

2. With that USB Cable, connect your Ledger wallet to the device that has the Ledger live wallet application.

3. Start the software application, and turn on your ledger device as well.

4. The application screen will now show you the option of Connect New Wallet, press that option.

5. From the presented list, select the name of your device, and then wait for the device and the application to connect.

6. Create a login PIN for the Ledger Wallet. The PIN sequence should be unique so that the scammers will not be able to have access to your account.

7. Disconnect and then connect both of the devices again with the help of a USB Cable.

8. Now, the seed phrase will be shown on the Ledger live wallet device.

9. Write it down on the shown seed phrase on the phrase sheet you received with your packaging.

And finally, after these nine steps, you will have your Ledger Wallet account. So, after the successful execution of these steps, you will be able to use your wallet account.

Ledger Login

After this Ledger Live Wallet setup, let us get you started with the wallet logging in. This procedure is even more important than the wallet setup, so pay attention to it and learn the steps of account login. Now, let us begin with the steps of logging in:

1. Get your device connected just like you did at the time of registration.

2. Open the downloaded Ledger Live software application that was installed from the link given on the official website of the Ledger hardware device.

3. After this type the PIN code is created for login purposes.

4. And then scan your fingerprint to scan your identity.

Summing it Up!

After the proper sequential execution of the procedures stated above, the Ledger live wallet will be available to be used and you can start dealing in your crypto assets without worrying about the safety funds. You can even track your account by the Ledger live application installed using the links from the download page on the website or by searching it on the Chrome Web Store etc. Do not open any other link as it can prove to be more dangerous.

Last updated